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Spotlight Series

RevGenius Member Spotlight: Wesley Ulysse

Wes Ulysse is as authentic as it gets. He’s an open book and brings that energy every day to RevGenius.

Wes practices what he preaches, walks the walk, and any other idioms you’d like to include in that vein: he’s it.

In our community, he’s a powerful voice that helps mentor others, coach sellers, and offers advice from his lived experience.

We’re incredibly grateful for his presence in our community, we couldn’t do it without him.

Below is our interview with Wes Ulysse:

Introduce yourself to our audience. Tell us who you are and what you are currently focused on.

My name is Wesley, but everyone calls me Wes. I’m currently the VP of Sales at Red Points; we provide software that protects brands from online counterfeits and IP infringements (shameless plug).

How did your journey lead you to pursue a career in Sales?

My journey into Sales is a funny one (I think).

I started my professional career as an Accountant for the NYC Ballet. It was probably the most boring 4 ½ of my life (no offense to my Accountants out there, it just wasn’t for me). I went to lunch one Tuesday afternoon and had about 4, likely 5 margaritas, and never returned to work.

Like many people living in NYC, I found myself trying to figure out how to make the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time to afford to live in this city. I stumbled into a Financial Sales role then found my way into the SaaS industry, and the rest is history!

As the DE&I Chair for our community, what advice would you give to companies working to build a quality DE&I strategy?

Make an effort to not only educate yourself but make sure your organization is well educated on the matter, as well. Community awareness is key. DE&I should be thought of in the same fashion as revenue; it’s everyone’s responsibility in an organization to contribute to this!

What gets you out of bed every morning?

“The love of the hustle”! My parents are immigrants. I can’t imagine how difficult and terrifying it must have been for them to move foreign country at a young age, not speak the language that everyone around you is speaking, work 3 jobs at $5/hour with the pressure of feeding two growing boys.

My parents managed to build a life for themselves and a future for my brother and me. If I don’t do anything with the opportunities that my parents’ sacrifices have afforded me, it would all have been in vain.

Outside of that, I love my job. Very rarely, one feels as if they are doing what they “meant” to be doing, and I feel lucky to be able to say that.

What would you say your personal superpower is?

Practical creativity (less formally known as “street smarts”).

I’ve always been able to get a read on a situation and creatively problem-solve very quickly. Growing up, I’ve always been able to “figure it out and/or find another way” to get things done when presented with a challenge.

In Sales and especially at a start-up, you get to use this superpower every day!

Why should other sales professionals join RevGenius?

I find that the authenticity in RevGenius is unmatched.

Members become mentors, colleagues, and in many cases, real friends. Combined with the wealth of experience and knowledge in the community, being a member of RevGenius is truly a unique and valuable experience.