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Spotlight Series

RevGenius Member Spotlight: Kate Erwin

Kate Erwin is an amazing content marketer, editor, and human. She’s one of RevGenius’ amazing editors and a killer Content Marketing Manager at Mailshake.

Below is our interview with Kate Erwin:

Introduce yourself to our audience. Tell us who you are and what you are currently focused on.

Hey, I’m Kate! I’m the Content Marketing Manager at Mailshake, a SaaS company that helps sales reps automate their outreach. I’m completely content-obsessed and spend most of my time crafting, consuming, and contemplating content. In addition to my full-time gig at Mailshake, I’m an editor here at RevGenius Mag and I started my own media company, Hack/Slash Media, with my friend and former colleague, Aimee Maroney.

How did your journey lead you to Mailshake?

I feel like I have RevGenius to thank for that—at least in part.

I’ve been a copywriter and content marketer for just over 9 years, but I’m fairly new to the sales space. I got a job at a sales tech company and didn’t initially know much about sales at all. Needing to learn as much as I could as quickly as I could, I joined RevGenius and soaked up so much knowledge.

When I applied to work at Mailshake, my involvement with RevGenius stood out. I think it helped my odds. (I hear a lot of people applied for my job.)

What advice would you give to people who are looking to get into content marketing?

Figure out whether you want to go deep on one subject or write about a wide variety of topics.

If you work at an agency, you’ll need to become proficient at pretending to be an expert on whatever you’re writing about. If you’re lucky, you’ll gain familiarity with a handful of clients and get to stick to those. But there will be times when you have a deadline and you don’t know what you’re doing, and you’ll have to pretend you do and you just have to be comfortable with that reality.

There are content marketers who specialize in writing about one thing. And there are content marketers who focus on being able to write about anything. I’m in the latter camp, but if I had to do it all over again, I’d likely try to have some focus. Now that I’m focused on the sales space, specifically, I have found that the content I create is much more impactful.

Also, practice summarizing what you’ve read and putting complex subjects into plain language because that’s most of what you’ll be doing as a content marketer.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

Making meaningful connections. There’s no better feeling than knowing that something I created is resonating with someone, educating them, or making them feel less alone.

What would you say your personal superpower is?

I can have a conversation with anyone.

Why should other sales and marketing professionals join RevGenius?

Other than the fact that it’s done wonders for my career, I’ve learned so much here in RevGenius and I’ve met so many wonderful, driven, and helpful people. I’d highly recommend it to anyone in a revenue-generating role.