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Spotlight Series

RevGenius Member Spotlight: Cliff Simon

Cliff Simon is an active RevGenius member who participates in #revleague, answers questions from other members, and advocates for RevGenius as an ambassador. He is currently a VP of Sales at Carabiner Group and we are incredibly lucky to have such an amazing Revenue Leader in our community.

We recently interviewed Cliff Simon on his career and personal journey.

Read our full interview with Cliff Simon below:

Introduce yourself to our audience. Tell us who you are and what you are currently focused on.

I am a Revenue Leader who has spent the last 11 years in sales, and the last 7 in the SaaS ecosystem. Currently, I serve as the VP of Sales and Revenue at Carabiner Group, a Salesforce Consultancy, where I’m focused on taking the company from $100K ARR to $50MM over the next 5 years. I have a passion for processes and data driven decision making. I’m also a certified Revenue Growth Architect.

How did your journey lead you to Carabiner Group?

I actually met my CEO on RevGenius. I’ve started my B2B career at Verizon where I was really successful in selling IoT. I’ve had several roles since then in SaaS, particularly Fintech, both in Midmarket and Enterprise and was award winning in many of them along the way. I’ve always wanted to build something and this was an opportunity to do just that with a great team around me.

What advice would you give to people who are looking to get into the executive seat?

Tackle the problems that are plaguing your CEO and don’t be afraid to be creative. Come to them with solutions. Bringing in good revenue in addition to that never hurts. Do what you say you’re going to do.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

My wife, son, and soon to be daughter. I want a life for them that I didn’t have for myself and I want to be able to lead them with a good example of how to live a life that honors God.

What would you say your personal superpower is?

Taking complex ideas and breaking them down so that a 5 year old can understand it. I’ve always had a knack for taking information in, digesting it and being able to relay those concepts with a high level of accuracy immediately afterward. It’s amazing how many times a piece of content or concepts in a book jump off the page and into real life

Why should other sales and marketing professionals join RevGenius?

Its a wonderful community where some really knowledgeable people come to give back. We all had someone who took a chance on us in our careers. This is a place where we can lift up the next generation and create lasting friendships. Like anything in life, you get out what you put into it.