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Spotlight Series

RevGenius Member Spotlight: Ehidiamen Ebhomielen

Ehidiamen is an incredible member of RevGenius. He is heading up the EMEA chapter of RevGenius and he’s a great BDM at HappierLeads.

Below is our interview with Ehidiamen:

Introduce yourself to our audience. Tell us who you are and what you are currently focused on.

Thanks, my name is Ehidiamen Ebhomielen, called Diamen for short, Nigerian based in Dublin Ireland, since 2007,Currently working as the Business Development Manager for HappierLeads, a web traffic identification tool that provides intelligence on potential prospects. Also, I host the RevGenius Tuesday EMEA roundtable meetings. I am focused on building and driving HappierLeads customer base via outbound activity and Partnerships. Also increasing RevGenius EMEA membership and engagement. When I am not doing that, I focus more on personal efforts in terms of writing my first book, enjoying time with my lovely wife and traveling.

How did your journey lead you to HappierLeads?

Engagement, I just moved on from another company with a similar role after two years.

Saw a Facebook request for beta testers on a SaaS startup group, (Feel free to reach out to me if you like the name of the group). Tested the product, liked the offering gave feedback to the CEO of the company and from there inquired about their current sales efforts, which was self generated at the time primarily inbound, offered my services and terms and have been there ever since.

What advice would you give to people who are looking to get into Business Development?

It’s a process and you have to go through that process. It takes time, on the flip side how much time that process takes depends on you, being flexible to learn and implement best practice in an ever changing industry is key but work on mastering fundamentals on what is required of your position is critical.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

Opportunities, each day brings one, you prepare for it you can get more than that think compound interest 🙂

What would you say your personal superpower is?

Vision has always been my personal superpower. However, execution is the power I use to pays the bills.

Why should other sales and marketing professionals join RevGenius?

You are not alone and the concept is not new. However it used to be that you work for a company and if you are lucky you can get support from a colleague, manager, team or say the company itself. You could possibly be a member of a club or associations of fellow professionals who meet how many times a week/ month? Well with the rise of communities you are able to 10x that kind of support and have that access to resources, industry best practice in realtime. Circling back to the question on advice, leveraging a community like RevGenius can help you ramp up your skill level or process to your aspirational goals. Engagement is key. It’s like working for a team and that team working for you. Only thing is that the team is 17,000 plus strong and growing.